Vehicle training is a lifelong skill
- Practice, practice, practice
Like so many skills, the more the dog practices getting into and out of the car and going on short trips, the more relaxed and confident the dog will become. As we are leaving our homes less, keeping the dog’s vehicle skills on point is more important than ever. Watch our video Car Travel with a Can Do Canine to see how to properly travel with a program dog.
- Frequency
Aim for 3 car practice sessions per week. Work at the dog’s pace, and move back a step if the dog is showing signs of stress or uncertainty.
- Consideration for young dogs
If physically possible, lift dogs into and out of the vehicle until they are 4 months of age to avoid damage to their growing joints.
Making the car enjoyable
Without planning to go on an outing …
Practice getting into and out of the car with lots of kibble rewards. That’s it - keep it short and sweet!
Let the dog lick on a frozen Kong stuffed with kibble and some peanut butter or non-fat plain yogurt.
- Feed the dog a portion of its meals in the car.
- With the car outside, or with the garage door open for ventilation, start the engine, let the car idle, and repeat one or more training prompts listed above.
Mini Car Rides & Short Outings
Mini Car Ride
Start the engine and drive the car
- out of the garage and back.
- to the end of the driveway and back.
- around the block and back.
Car Ride
Allow the dog to ride along on