+ Preparation for a training outing
- Make sure the dog is hungry! Do not feed a meal right before an outing. Instead, use a portion of their meal as training treats for the outing.
- Some dogs may benefit from a short play session prior to the outing. It is important that the dog is not mentally tired before an outing. Mental exhaustion happens quicker than physical exhaustion.
- Practice skills at home before attempting to use them on the outing.
- Most importantly, remember that an outing is for training the dog and not for personal reasons.
- Plan the location in advance and be sure it is appropriate for the age of the dog. You must be willing to leave.
+Items to take on an outing
- Can Do Canines backpack (provided by Can Do Canines). Pack all the following items:
- Clean up supplies
- Poop bags
- Plastic bag for paper towel disposal
- Paper towels and disinfectant wipes or spray for cleaning accidents
- Baby wipes to clean dog’s feet
- Bottle of water and collapsible water dish
- Cape
- Collar with Can Do Canines bone ID tag
- 4-6 foot leash
- Portion of dog’s meal for treats
- High value treats can be used in moderation
- Walking equipment, if applicable
+Travel to an outing
- The dog should be in a kennel if under 25 lbs
- If above 25 lbs the dogs may be in a kennel or must be seat belted or tethered to the car with a leash and neck collar.
- Remove the dog’s head collar after the dog is secured in the car and keep it with you. Keep their cape off until you have arrived as well.
+Once you arrive