- Move Slowly
- Everything should be done at the pace of the dog. If the dog is nervous, backing away, or cowering, take things more slowly and reward what they have done already and end the session. It is important to make the exposure positive. End at a point in which the dog is being successful.
- Distance
- Start at a distance that the dog is comfortable with. Reward far away and approach slowly as the dog relaxes, and then continue to reward. This allows them to feel comfortable around the object at a safe distance. Allow them to move away from the object if they choose to.
- Use Treats
- It is important to use treats when you first expose the dog to a new object and situation to create a positive association. You will want to use treats throughout the entire exposure. Tossing treats away from the object allows the dog to have a choice to come back and get a reward. If they choose not to come back, move to that threshold point and try again, or end the session.
- Do not lure the dog closer to anything that they are unsure of. Let them make the choice to come closer on their own and then reward them.
- Encouragement
- Use a happy, upbeat tone of voice and use encouraging words to keep the dog motivated. “Good job,” “keep going,” and “you got this” can go a long way for the dog. If you feel that you and the dog are getting frustrated, end the session.
Household Exposures
Repeat any exposures the puppy had challenges with.
An object will look very different to a dog when it is moving, versus stationary, and making noise, versus not. Start off by introducing the object as stationary and quiet. If the object is something that will eventually move or turn on and make a noise, wait until the dog is comfortable with the object first before introducing movement/noise.
✓ |
Objects |
Notes on behavior: List the wins and what was challenging. Report any behavior concerns. |
Umbrella |
Vacuum cleaner |
Mirror |
Broom/mop |
Hair dryer |
Stuffed animal |
Door slamming |
Kids’ toys |
Sports equipment |
Sports balls |
Garbage/recycling bin |
Ceiling fan |
Garage door |
Office supplies |
Reclining chair |
Rolling chair |
Small appliances |
Large appliances |
Wind chimes |
Clapping hands |
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