

For a lot of the brain games, you will use the training technique of shaping.

For further learning, you can review the Animal Learning Theory Seminar.

Shaping uses incremental rewards to get to your overall goal (baby steps)!

Start small - break the goal down into steps the dog can achieve.


Shaping Game Ideas



Use the shaping technique for the following games for attention.

Puppy Zen

  1. The goal: Get eye contact with duration.

  2. Hold treats in your closed hands - offer them to the dog and let him lick and sniff it. Mark with a “Yes” and reward with your other hand when they stop.

  3. Repeat and reward when the dog starts to give you eye contact.

  4. Increase the challenge by moving your hands away from you and to your sides.

  5. When the dog looks at you, mark with a “Yes” and reward.

  6. Increase the challenge by:

    1. Lengthening the time the dog must look at you before the reward
    2. Adding high-value treats to your hands
    3. Trying with a toy - maybe their favorite!

    Video example


Automatic Leave Its - For after Puppy Zen

  1. Have the dog in a down position.
  2. Set treats on the floor near the dog (about 4-5 feet away to start) - be prepared to cover the treats with your hand - those labs are fast!